Not a straight line in sight
We took one last dip, the water temperature deceptive as we dive in head first. A quick check of the bottom paint and running.
travels aboard our yacht
We took one last dip, the water temperature deceptive as we dive in head first. A quick check of the bottom paint and running.
The Tot club, invited as guests by Chris and Amanda on SV Trumpeter, is a ritual that hasn’t skipped a day for thirty years..
Four days before Mike was to arrive – his bags likely packed a week or two prior – we quickly squeeze in one more.
A week had passed since our friends had departed, yet we were still in the same posy in Sainte Pierre, Martinique. I don’t have.
After a pleasing four hour reach down island we tack our way into the bay of Portsmouth, Dominica. Elvis – a kind natured man.
We clear out of St Barts before the sun begins to set, hoisting our main and genoa sails, and securing the preventer for an.
Six weeks down island. Antigua for three weeks, south to Guadeloupe and back north through to the Virgin Islands. It’s flown by. Yet what.
It’s been a week since we arrived in Antigua & Barbuda as I begin to type these words of our passage south. We’re sitting.
With our plans for the following morning to head south from Newport on this coming northerly, we had yet to decide whether it would.
Early September we had Caprivi’s mast removed. The standing rigging was a big project to finally cross off the list. The evening prior we.